Thursday, November 29, 2001
Music videos by the top pop artists all seem to employ a very "boxy" style of synchronized dancing behind the star. A notable exception to this rule is Tina Landon, whose choreography for Janet Jacksons video, "All For You", is very fluid and very hip.
I'm surprised at how my general viewing habits have tilted towards "reality tv". Currently enjoying: Rendez-View (UPN), Amazing Race (CBS), BlueTorch (FOX SPORTS), Survivor (CBS). Other formats: Enterprise (UPN), Boston Public (FOX), Proud Family (cartoon-DISN), 24 (FOX), NYPD Blue (ABC).
Waiting for season premieres: Sopranos; Star Gate (HBO), Outer Limits (SCI-FI).
EyeSites: "Watch Michael Jackson Transform", Taliban Singles Online, Fixed Width Days
Border Image: "Choir Dome"
Sunday, November 25, 2001
Chicago Sun-Times
For plunging headfirst into the pool of propagandist journalism. [Gomer Pyle accent: ON]
Shame, shame, shame!
[Gomer: OFF]
Specifically, the Sun-Times published a 3/4 size front page photo of Marines on horseback accompanying Alliance soldiers... (the exact same photograph the secretary of defense was shopping around on the cable news channels two days before (via pool footage of an in-transit (airplane) interview--- we'll have to take Rumsfeld's word that those were Americans wearing the light uniforms, because the distance is so great and details are not recognizable) ...with a page two and three spread showing Rumsfeld at the head of a table conferring with Sun-Times honchos, who are all leaning in severely toward Mr. Secretary --- who is showing them the same "horseback" photo. Jeepers, folks, that's a lot of space, ink and posing to get across the message that the photograph is credible, huh?
May I add that, for example, a photo of men in a spaceship going to Mars merits 3/4 size front page positioning in a national newspaper; men on horseback in the Afghani context is page 5-10 stuff (but you make the call).
The Sun-Times situation gets worse.
Here's the punchline; the 11/23 front page, with a headline in huge, black, bold text (a font usually reserved for tragedy, announcement of war, historic event, etc.):
Hold on to your privates; the 11/24 front page:
Yo, Sun-Times: WHO'S YER DADDY??!
Tuesday, November 13, 2001
The photo on the left is digitized (w/a watermark). Try detecting more subtle examples (I only got 4 out of 10 on my first try).
[1st found at Adam Curry]
Cursory background on digital photography and media malfeasance: [**]
Are there any implications in the above linked data for current media coverage of the War Against Evil? You make the call.
"I think of it as the 'new normalcy'. Many of the steps we have now been forced to take will become permanent in American life." --- vp Dick Cheney, speaking at a meeting of Republican governors
"In the Old Normal...the purpose of carrying identification had something to do with helping people to find out who you are if you were involved in an accident. In the New Normal, the presenting of identification is becoming an essential ritual in order for you to get to where you want to go."
--- Clarence Page, "It's time to get back to our old routines"; Chicago Tribune: 11.4.01
Given inevitable "collateral damage" from the recently introduced U.S. Patriot Act of 2001 and other antiterrorist legislation (USPAct: complete text), what's a _worst case_ scenario for the New Normal? Microchip implantation for the purpose of identification (mammal technology has been perfected). It would start with a "2nd wave" terrorist attack: smallpox release or deployment of, or apprehension of someone with a "suitcase nuke" [*]. Some Americans would start to cry that they were perfectly willing to give up some freedom for security. Microchip implantation would be voluntary for this group.
MI Group One would enjoy faster access to atm machines, airports, airplanes, banks, gunshops, pharmacies, supermarkets, workplaces, etc.. MI Group Two would be those tired of the hassle and lost time resulting from not being "chipped", along with foreign students from countries with known terrorist organizations. Emphasis on "known". The "chipping" of this 2.b group would be mandatory, although the chips would time-degrade depending on their length of stay in the US, or their subsequent citizenship.
The personal information obtainable from "chips" (name, SS#, DMV,
credit info, travel info, medical log, work history, genetic
propensities, etc.) would be, from a practical level, limitless.
Scanning technology would be pandemic, and likely linked to
videocam/profiling technology.
All Group Three "chipping" would be mandatory.
"As we become less sensitive to the idea of pets and beasts implanted with microchips, we will eventually see microchips make their way into man."
--- IMP
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on the human face---forever. And remember that it is forever."
--- George Orwell