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"...'Live like the lotus'. Although growing in a muddy pond,
the lotus blossoms beautifully, not defiled by its environment."

March - May 2004





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Summertime (and the livin' is easy?!)

With all the hoopla over Jennifer Hudson's exit from "American Idol" (esp. the "racist!" cry from Elton John), people are ignoring Fantasia Barrino's _brilliant_ playing of the race card, with her rendition of Gershwin's "Summertime".

A) The woman is black B) She was *prone* on the stage during the entire song C) Had a baby backstage...

"The opera opens with a brief overture, then a piano is heard playing Jasbo Brown Blues. It is night and Clara sings a lullaby, Summertime, to her baby as a crap game takes place in the background. Jake, Clara's husband, sings A woman is a sometime thing to the baby, and we hear the call of the honeyman..."
D) She cried profusely after the song E) Randy Jackson astutely noted "There's a lot of history behind that song, dawg!"

Check the history here, here and here --- then you make the call.

[BTW, the coverlists 1 2 for "Summertime" are eye-opening]

Strong Quotes From Last Week

"In his book, 'Constantine's Sword', James Carroll asks the question in blunt language:
'Had Jesus come to promote suffering or to oppose it? Could the cult of the crucifix be a surrender to the very powers of sickness, suffering and death that Jesus had intended to overcome?'"
[Chicago Tribune, 4.25.04, sect.2/Perspective "Prophet? Profit. It's truly the greatest story ever sold."]

"There's nothing wrong with making people self-sufficient. The problem is there aren't any jobs they can go to to make themselves self-sufficient. They're working but they're still in poverty", said Dick Stevens, a division director for Hocking-Athens-Perry Community Action in Logan.
"You may have helped the system, but you haven't helped the people...it's such an alarming thing to watch unfold before your eyes and get the feeling that nobody sees it. Why isn't anybody alarmed? How can this many jobs be replaced by service and minimum-wage jobs??"
[Chicago Tribune, page 1, 4.25.04, "The Working Poor"]

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Weekend Scramble

The Apprentice
Trying to be PC by choosing Omarosa for the endgame will probably prove to be Kwame's undoing. The bitch was in over her head from the get-go.

As soon as she refused to share information with the team at their dinner meeting, I would have turned to her and said: "O, baby - you're fired!". Then I would have called Carolyn w/the 4-1-1.
Kwame, my brother, you're playing for 250K and an industrial-strength Rolodex: play to win.

9/11 Hearings
What? Were Rice's redefinitions of common terms supposed to be a show of sophistication?? For God's sake - the woman is the national security adviser!

Perhaps the reason no one on Team Bush can simply admit they fucked-up is because, from _their_ strategic vantage point...they didn't fuck-up...

"What should have made Condi hysterical, she deemed 'historical'"

Further reading: here, here and here.

Another "Scary-Ass" Article
Administration Wages War On Pornography

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"Scary-Ass" Articles

Stories, developments and/or comments from last week that should have stopped you in your tracks...

* Science On Verge of New 'Creation'

* The Case of the Cherry Hill Cluster

* The Quest to Forget

* 'Child Witches' of Angola Expose a Heart of Darkness

* Questions for Karen Armstrong:
Taking Religious Liberties

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American "Dull"

Caught "American Idol" with the final 12 last night. It broke down into five categories: those who 1) were too nervous, 2) were trying too hard, 3) had no real talent 4) 1, 2 and 3 combined and 5) Fantasia Barrino.

Barrino has both the voice and natural communicative skills to be a player on the pop music scene.
Will America vote her ass to the top?
Probably not, but it won't matter.
One word: contract! Because _somebody's_ going to give her one, regardless of the outcome of the show.

And when are they going to ask Lisa Stansfield to be a guest judge?! I mean, talk about the obvious...

Burt Bacharach did his thing last year, and the lyrics to one of his hits popped into my mind a couple of days ago:

Do you know the way to San Jose? I've been away so long. I may go wrong and lose my way. Do you know the way to San Jose? I'm going back to find some peace of mind in San Jose.

L.A. is a great big freeway.
Put a hundred down and buy a car.
In a week, maybe two, they'll make you a star
Weeks turn into years. How quick they pass
And all the stars that never were
Are parking cars and pumping gas...

DAMN, that's some tight (Hal David) writing!

Jay-Z, eat your heart out, bee-yotch. :)

ps. I wouldn't trust Diana DeGarmo to walk my goldfish. She has that "back-stabbing", s**t-eating, 24/7 drama class smile.

pps. If Ashanti can become a star, so can Camille Velasco. Keep it real: how far do you think Ashanti (au natural) would make it on AI??

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Mel Gibson's "Passion"

I remember coming out from viewing "The Last Temptation of Christ", and passing a group of Christians demonstrating in front of the theater imploring people not to see the film.
One protestor asked if I was sorry I went in.
Quite to the contrary, I told (them), I thought the movie had an important message: Evil often strikes you at your weakest moment; the trick is, you don't get to choose that moment.

So I advised the protestors to go in and see it. If they found something objectionable, simply get up and walk out; the only problem to _their_ faith would be if they found something objectionable (and interpreted as a corrupting influence) and stayed. An amazing conversation ensued...

I saw Mel Gibson's "The Passion of The Christ" yesterday (reviews) , and I'm compelled to open my comments with a somewhat unusual quote. Bruce Lee, while teaching a young student (on-screen), once said: "(martial arts) Technique is like a finger pointing to the heavens. Don't concentrate on the finger, and miss all that heavenly glory."

In "The Passion", Gibson masterfully depicts/employs the outageous, depraved and evil torture and murder of Jesus like a great, firm hand to swivel the head of the viewer to the last 30 seconds of the film; to the Resurrection. It's not suffering that fundamentally breaks the chains of evil, but the possibility of eternal life.

At film's close, Jesus can clearly be seen as Warrior.

[It should also be remembered that there are no hierarchies between God and his people ("Split a piece of wood; I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there."); thus the Message transcends all churches and all religions.
For example, insert (as just _one_ institution) Roman Catholic Church in the following verses wherever you see "scribes and Pharisees", and interpret given history and recent news events..]


2: Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees...
5: all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments...
9: And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
13: But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
25: Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
26: Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.
28: Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.

"38) Do not lay down any rules beyond what I appointed you, and do not give a law like the lawgiver lest you be constrained by it."
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene

Gospel of Thomas 1 2

Kiss your wife/husband goodbye on the way to work today. Treat your co-workers with respect, and help wherever help is needed.
Stop at a bar on the way home for a few drinks, and joke around with some friends.

Take the dog for a walk. Do a Google search on "mad cow disease" and start investgating why the nation's food supply is being corrupted. Have a good dinner with the family, and make mad, passionate love with your spouse.
Congratulations --- you've just said mass.

Where was I? Oh yeah, if you haven't already, go check out Mel's film.

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Matrix Revolutions: Worth A 2nd Look

(...or, The "Lighter" Side of Mel )

"If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you."

Last year's reviews of "Revolutions" capped off at about a C+.

Major rant: the Bros. "failed to deliver"; the philosophical questions posed in the first "Matrix" went unanswered in "Revolutions", taking a back seat to special effects.
Bzzzt! The Wachowskis answered questions the best way they could: by framing them synergistically, in a manner that prompted viewers to "take a red pill" and journey down the rabbit hole on their own.

Additionally, I believe Revolutions addresed audience speculation about "a matrix in a matrix" head-on!

The Matrix Trilogy can be seen as a depiction of a (Unified) Theory of Religion/Philosophy; its foundation is worlds-within-worlds (if not "reality as illusion"). Go to a source (from a November '99 on-line chat):

linusa: "Do you believe that our world is in some way similar to 'The Matrix', that there is a larger world outside of this existence?"

WachowskiBros: "That is a larger question than you actually might think. We think the most important sort of fiction attempts to answer some of the big questions. One of the things that we had talked about when we first had the idea of The Matrix was an idea that I believe philosophy and religion and mathematics all try to answer. Which is, a reconciling between a natural world and another world that is perceived by our intellect."


Ronin: "Your movie has many and varied connections to myth and philsophy, Judeo-Christian, Egyptian, Arthurian, and Platonic, just to name those I've noticed. How much of that was intentional?

WachowskiBros: *** "All of it." ***


There's magic in the intersections at the following site (but you have to dig - puns intended): MetaReligion: world religions

(Note: you might want to start with ancient religions, then move to physics and mathmatics before coming back 'round to world religions.)

Again, from the Nov. '99 chat:

calla: "There are quite a few hidden messages in the movie that I notice the more I watch it. Can you tell me about how many there are?"

WachowskiBros: "There are more than you'll ever know."

Here are a few things from "Revolutions" that really caught my attention:

1) It's clear that Neo is a type of Christ-figure, and has been from the outset. However, at the end of "Revolutions", I got a whole * Valhalla * vibe as a supposedly dead Neo was born away on the great machine ship.

Note that in marked contrast to how he was plugged in, Neo was disconnected from the final "jack-in" (_very_ slowly) with what could only be construed as a form of respect. And just as Norse warriors would send flaming arrows into their heroes' death ships as they floated away, we see a golden light emmanate from the machine ship (at roughly Neo's last seen position) as it fades in the distance.

"Valhalla...is the 'Hall of the Slain Heroes', reserved for the souls of warriors who die in battle...These courageous soldiers await the 'Last Day' (a concept bearing similarities to the Christian apocalypse and last judgement), when the heroes of history will unite with the gods... and fight an apocalyptic battle..."

A Valhalla/crucifixtion combined reference is visually powerful and points to religious resonance beyond the most (Christian) obvious. It indicates (among other things) that Neo was a) not "dead", b) will be seen again, and c) perhaps the world of Zion is a matrix, too. Which brings me to...

2) The black cat at the end, that, if I'm not mistaken, fades in and out *twice* (with a interesting ("sparkly") light display at the end of the second fade that differed from the first). Trinity (?) noted in "The Matrix" that phenomena occurs when "a change has taken place".
Two fades, two changes, two Matrices??!

I've nicknamed the cat "Schrodinger", in large part due to the RL resonance with Neo's "Because I _choose_ to" statement near the end of his fight with Smith ("Why do you keep fighting; why do you keep getting up?!").

"Schr”dinger's cat paradox illustrates that we experience what I would term *** the principle of choice ***...to fully understand the nature of the conscious mind, we may require a deeper theory of the quantum world which unravels the principle of choice..."

"It is interesting to note, that the Schro‰dinger equation is not a "derivable" equation, meaning one that is built by using other simpler mathematical equations or postulates. It is, rather, what is known as an 'inspired' equation."
[Oracle: "I _believe_."]

[WachowskiBros: "...we also like the definition, the mathematical definition of the use of matrix..."]

3) The jade earrings bearing the Tao symbol that the Oracle is wearing in the kitchen scenes with both Neo and Smith. The earrings comment on (impact) Neo and Smith's relationship and her ultimate solution:

"The Tao doesn't take sides;
It gives birth to both good and evil.
What is a good man but a bad man's teacher?
What is a bad man but a good man's job?"

[wrygrass: "Did ideas from Buddhism influence you in making the film?"

WachowskiBros: "Yes. There's something uniquely interesting about Buddhism and mathematics, particularly about quantum physics, and where they meet. That has fascinated us for a long time." ]

4) Morpheus' incredulous facial expression and exclamation at battle's end while embracing Niobe: "Is this real??!"
Is Morpheus simply addressing the end of the war, or a sudden feeling that they may be in another matrix?!
Resonates with 1) and 2).

[WachowskiBros: "...there is a lot of word play, a lot of hidden other meanings, a lot of multiple meanings...reflections in general are a significant theme in (The Matrix). The ideas of worlds within worlds."]

The word play surrounding The Oracle's "I believe!" at film's end speaks to:

* AI evolution encompassing love

* life transcending biological matrices

* the fact that Neo finally believed enough to sacrifice out in order to complete his mission; _Neo's_ concept of life had evolved

* the success of an unusual "trinity" that won the day --- Father (Architech/Deus ex machina), Son (Neo/human) and Spirit (Oracle/"mother")

* the fact that certain programs in the matrix (and thus, the matrix) had adapted from humans "alternatives to conventional computation which did not involve temporal impasse".

Or, coming full circle, Belief.

The Wachowski Bros. didn't have the Oracle (a "program" (!) ) in the kitchen baking cookies for nothing - watch out, folks. Mother's got a hobby. ;)

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